Why Calligraphus

An integrated platform dedicated to administrative modernization

Administrative Modernization

Centralize team procedural management workflows with a multipurpose platform, with a user-friendly interface that is now available for desktop, ios and android. With a personal log-in, employees interact with customized views, focused on maximizing their performance and response to day-to-day responsibilities.

Content Editing In-App

An editing software functions within the platform for any minor adjustments needed. With timestamps and integrated audio playback, the user can double-check and edit the final text – any change is registered local and remotely.

Indexation and Search

All of the recordings, transcripts and other important data will be stored in-system, available with granted access only and sorted by user’s security level. If the access is granted, every file is indexed and searchable by keywords and other relevant metadata.

Introducing version 7

This multipurpose platform generates automatic transcriptions, centralizing team editing workflows and integrating the entire process. Record an audio or video file, set the automatic transcription in the target language, format and edit, index and store the original files and the resulting documents.

Designed to suppress the constant need for ipsis verbis documental production, this platform is set to assist a wide range of businesses – a powerful tool in procedural management.

‘Automate document production as the driving force of your new workflow.’

Architecture Overview

How it works – an outline of Calligraphus functional architecture

Live Capture & Offline Recording

A variety of supported formats without disrupting the pre-existing workflows

Smart Storage

Every audio or video feed is recorded internally for maximum quality, enabling post processing effects and immediate local visualization. Every recording, transcript and other important data is stored in-system in order to make it available upon granted access only.

Supported Inputs

Our clients can expect a large array of input options -- Calligraphus was designed to be adaptable to multiple scenarios, without altering capture hardware and transcription workflows. The supported inputs include standard capture cards, analog sound cards or virtual devices, streaming feeds and any non-proprietary audio or video format.

Supported Inputs

Our clients can expect a large array of input options -- Calligraphus was designed to be adaptable to multiple scenarios, without altering capture hardware and transcription workflows. The supported inputs include standard capture cards, analog sound cards or virtual devices, streaming feeds and any non-proprietary audio or video format.

Automated Transcription

A reliable processing capability with convenient features

Proprietary Technology

Calligraphus is supported by proprietary technology and constant updates, resulting in a platform driven by AI, supported by Machine Learning algorithms and Deep Neural networks. The underlying systems are constantly evolving, creating a self-sustainable cycle that guarantees a quality response in any environment.

High Accuracy

Our proprietary technology delivers highly accurate results in a short amount of time – approximately in a ¼ of the file’s playback time. Instead of a blank document, the transcript will be preloaded with the spoken contents. This will reduce human action to fewer and simpler punctual verifications.

High Accuracy Transcriptions

Our proprietary technology delivers highly accurate results in a short amount of time – approximately in a ¼ of the file’s playback time. Instead of a blank document, the transcript will be preloaded with the spoken contents. This will reduce human action to fewer and simpler punctual verifications.

Specialized Vocabulary According Business Area

Aside from being available in over 30 languages with an automatic translation feature, it’s possible to customize the speech recognition platform with client-driven vocabularies, tailored to suit any specialized area.

Transcription Editing

Integrated editing tools with synchronized media player and navigation

Integrated In-App editor

An editing software functions within the platform for any minor adjustments needed. With timestamps and integrated audio playback, the user can double-check and edit the final text – any change is registered local and remotely.

Transcription Translation

Live translation on top of produced captions in over 30 languages without relying on an internet connection. The on-premises deployment ensures minimal latency delays during the production and delivery of closed captions, while ensuring high levels of precision throughout.

Transcription Translation

Live translation on top of produced captions in over 30 languages without relying on an internet connection. The on-premises deployment ensures minimal latency delays during the production and delivery of closed captions, while ensuring high levels of precision throughout.

Delivery Integrations

An array of integrations for high accessibility

Indexation and search

All of the recordings, transcripts and other important data will be stored in-system, available with granted access only and sorted by user’s security level. If the access is granted, every file is indexed and searchable by keywords and other relevant metadata.

Procedural Management

A single web interface manages all procedural activities – generates textual documents from captured data and identifies relevant metadata: place, date and main speakers. The configuration is set at the recording, with the possibility to add other descriptive fields.

Procedural Management

A single web interface manages all procedural activities – generates textual documents from captured data and identifies relevant metadata: place, date and main speakers. The configuration is set at the recording, with the possibility to add other descriptive fields.

Team Management

In a complex environment such as this, delivering information to a wider range of users – with diverse technical expertise and roles, inside the organization – is a challenging requirement. Streamline the process by importing your organization’s log-ins and sort security levels for access to files.

Delivery Outputs

Suitable variety of export formats

Multiple Output Formats

There are a large number of output formats to export, infer and translate into. New documents can be saved as a pre-formatted .DOCX Word document, an .XML representation file or any closed captioning format suitable to your workflow, whether a .TXT or .SRT – Calligraphus supports over 30 export formats.

Automatic Integration with any Text Editor

Aside from the in-app text editor, the produced documents can be exported into the native format of most text-document editing programs – the transcripts can be easily merged into any existing workflow.

Automatic Integration with any Text Editor

Aside from the in-app text editor, the produced documents can be exported into the native format of most text-document editing programs – the transcripts can be easily merged into any existing workflow.

Integration with existing workflows

With a variety of accepted inputs, highly accurate transcription results and an array of exporting formats, the platform Calligraphus seamlessly integrates into existing workflows, clearing the barrier created by the complexity of manually transcribing files.
Call us today at +1 646 504 7906 or Email us at info@voiceinteraction.tv
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+1 646 504 7906
or Email us at info@voiceinteraction.tv
Request a demo and experience what our Speech Processing platforms can offer you.
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